Lab 8
Hi, this is Lab 8. We are using CSS to create the them and using lists in our table for this Lab. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. The purpose of CSS is to create the main theme of the web page by adjusting the styles of the background, text, or images. This way it is much easier to adjust the theme or style of the web page and also keep everything much more organized. We will be making a table with a list of favorite movies, favorite foods, favorite subjects, least favorite subjects, favorite music, and a shopping list. But before we start, we have to learn about the list tags. <ol> is a ordered list, <ul> is an unordered list, and <li> is the what's inside the lists. And to show that we have understand the use of the list tags in html, we had to use different list style types for both the ordered and unordered lists.
To begin this lab, we create a internal CSS style sheet into our html document that is located inside of the <style> tag. Then we apply all the styles we want into this tag, such as the colors, the font families, text alignments, font size, and much more. Next, create a ordered list for the favorite movies, an unordered list of the favorite foods. List 3 favorite subjects with a ordered list with capital Roman numeral and why I like these three subjects in the form of an unordered list using a disc, a square, and a circle for each list. List 3 least favorite subjects in order with capital English letters with reasons in order with one lower case English letter list and a lower case Roman numeral list. But unfortunately, I don't dislike most of my subjects, so I wasn't able to make a decision about the third of my least favorite subjects. Even the second one wasn't suppose to be there, but I needed something to be in the spot. Then we make another ordered list of favorite music with 2 genres, 3 artists of each genre, and 3 songs/track from them. Last, create a shopping list of all the things we want, or need, even those that are not necessary, so the list looks full and completed.
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