Friday, October 9, 2015

Project 0 Index

      This is our first project of the year that we have been so much anticipating for long. In this project, we will be using all the knowledge and skills we have learned from lab 1 to lab 6 and create a index.html. This index will be uploaded to our root folder in the server, so when anyone goes to (the server for our class), and click on our name, they will be taken to a really organized index page that shows all the contents that we have created into the internet. Along with the hyperlinks of all the labs we did so far. And as we continue to do more labs and projects, we will update those into the index and applied new skills to it.

      So we will use the simple tags to set up the html document that we learned on lab 1. Then create a table centered at the middle with 2 divisions that divides that lab number and the screenshots of that lab, and add colors into the document that we learned in lab 4. Next, add the screenshots of each lab to the table, then make them into hyperlinks to that lab along with the lab numbers, which are things we learned in lab 2 and lab 3. Then we put the banner we have designed in lab 6 near the top, and the nameplate from lab 5 all the way at the bottom. To finish this off, upload the file through Filezilla on the root folder and check to see if it actually works.

      This is the link for this project:

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