Friday, October 9, 2015

Lab 6 Banner

      In this lab, we are created a signature banner for ourselves using Fireworks CS6, again. It's very much similar to the nameplate we did in the previous lab. And only the difference is that we will be using a different size, 700 by 100 with a resolution of 32 and that I had more time to carefully think about each shape, detail and the design in this one. And this time I used a different color theme to make things vary. Also I had applied some elements of a small logo that I designed myself into it, but since that one was a circle, I had to make some adjustments.

     To create this banner, I first made a blue gradient as my background. Then I created a rectangle, rotate it, and duplicated it into 4. I change 2 of them into a grey to black gradient, and another 2 into a red to blue gradient. Next, I used the text tool to place my name at the middle with a Bank Gothic font, along with the same shadow effect I applied to my text in lab 5 but with a different hue. By this time I thought I was finished, but at the same time, I felt like it is missing something, so I added a second layer of background with a similar color, and 2 curves near the edge of each side using the Doughnut Shape.

      Link to my this lab:

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