Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lab 3 Hyperlinks in HTML

      In this lab, we add hyperlinks to the html document we creates. We learned how to make text and images into a hyperlink, so when you click it, it will take you to another webpage. This is a little easy to do. All we need to do is to use the <a> tag is similar ways for 3 text and 3 image. And since I finished the lab early, I also added a background color, as well as a font color before I upload the html document to the server.

      To begin the lab, I created a image folder in my lab 3's folder. This folder is used to store the images that I will be converting into a hyperlink in the html document and it will allow me to locate the images a lot more easier when I am coding it. After then, I create a text hyperlink and a image hyperlink for my Web Design teacher, Ms.Ramirez's website. 2 hyperlinks for W3schools, which is a really good website to study and learn more about web developing. And 2 more hyperlinks to my blogs, which is where I talk about all the labs and projects that I did in my Web Design class. And to make the page look better and more interesting, I changed the background color to grey and the font color to green/blue, similar to what I did in lab 2. Lastly, I uploaded the files to the server so everyone can visit the webpage.

      Here is the link to this webpage:

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