Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lab 10 Firework GIF

      This lab is another preparation to do project 2 following lab 9. In this lab we use firework and create a GIF with an image that we are designing for project two and make it flash in a web browser by change the states using Fireworks CS6. It serves a purpose to show us how we can use firework in a different way. So I chose a image design that I have designed as a banner for the home page for my project 2 website. This is a very simple and easy lab. As long as you know the steps, it is very easy to complete.

      To create this flashing effect for the use of the browser we first create this image with Photoshop or Fireworks. Import the file along with all the layers into a new document created in Fireworks. Create another state and copy all the layers into that state. So now since both states have the same layers, change and play around with all the layers in one of the states. Make changes that are easily visible so everyone can tell a difference between them such as the colors. You can also add a hot spot or any types of behaviors to it. Set it to loop if it isn't. Then set it up as a html file and the most important step is to export it as wizard. If it is just exported in a normal way, it will not work in the browser. Also make sure it is saved as a html and images with all slices and pages.

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