Friday, June 3, 2016

Lab 30: Flash Pop-ups

      In this lab, we need to use our videos that we just created in the previous lab for our flash portfolio and added pop up symbols using Adobe Flash CS6. This means that we need to learn to code it with Action Script, so we watched a video from adobe of it. It was very helpful. We first need to convert our mp4 or mov file to flv file by using Adobe Media Encoder, because that is the format that works best with Flash. Then in import it into out stage. We get to choose different type of playback buttons to add to our video. Then we set up cue points in the video, which are the time to cue the symbols to come out.

      Now when the video goes to certain length, symbols related to what I am talking about will pop up and disappear after a few seconds. This requires the codes we learned from the video. For example, when I mention something about Photoshop in the video, a symbol that I have created with Flash will pop up in the screen, then disappear after a few seconds. All of the symbols are created through Flash based on the original design with alterations.

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