Monday, April 18, 2016

CW Self Reflection

    In the last two marking periods, I felt that I did as I expected. Last semester, I did extremely good. I passed the Dreamweaver Certification Exam,got a few hundreds in a few classes, and had an average of 99.17%. It felt so impossible to have such achievement. For this semester, I want to do the same, but it is becoming more difficult. I have to prepare for more exams coming in the future, such as the SAT and the A+ Certification Exam which I failed at. It had been a extremely long time ever since I have failed at something, but it had helped me realize that I need to work harder to achieve the things I want, because not everything is that easy. I am just so thankful to have another chance to take the certification test, and I will put maximum effort into it.

     In web design class, I felt that I did alright. Wasn't too good or too bad at the same time. Everything required was completed, but not all were done great, and so I will try to change that. I always found myself have just not enough time to complete everything, this is mainly due to my poor time management behaviors. So I will try to maybe set a schedule for myself and maybe it will be better.

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