Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lab 14 Navigation Bar

      This can be said to be one of the most exiting, fun, yet challenging lab we have ever had. But this is only for most of the other students in my class. Learning how to create a navigation bar was one of my most interested thing that I wanted to know about ever since I started my first project of this year. In result I have already learned how to create this through the help of W3schools and videos from Youtube. Although I already knew how to create this navigation through my research during the process of Project 1, it is nice to have a review of it to help me remember it better. 

       In this lab, I have created this navigation bar similar to the one I used for nearly all of my webpages but this one is somewhat different as it is not created along with a division as I did for all other ones and I have also changed up the colors a little bit, but it is still along the theme color of my website. I have also used the same font and a bit of text shadows as well because I just loved the way it looks. And last, we make this navigation bar appeal in all of the labs and projects that we ever created this year which is just simple copy and pasting from one lab to another.

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