Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lab 13 Wordler

      This is lab 13 where we explore and playing around with new features that we had never knew. As we were told we will be creating a website of our favorite teacher from I.T.H.S as our project 3, I knew we will have labs during this time that is very simple, yet teaches us something new and fun. We were to write a paragraph about of our favorite teacher then use this website wordle.com to make a very interesting collage with the words that was used.

      For project 3, I chose Ms. Ha,my living environment and chemistry teacher in 9th and 10th grade. So I wrote about what I was told during my interview with her. And to make the most important words larger, all I have to do is to make those words appear more than the other ones. Such as "Ms.Ha," it was the most used words in the paragraph, so it appears the largest of then all. After randomizing for quiet a while I had finally found the perfect collage that I was looking for. It is simple, just black and white, but it had a amazing cursive letters which appeal to my eyes

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