Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lab 29: Self Introduction

      In this lab, we create a video for our flash portfolio with is a future project that will be completed by the end of this school year. This video is ourselves talking about everything we have learned in the web design acadamy in the last two school years as well as introducing what this class is about to the audience. In my video I introduced the academy of web design, explained what it is and what are the benefits of it. Then I talked about the software that I have used and learned in this class, and what I use them fore. I also mentioned a few of work that I have done and talked about how I feel about this class.

      The making of the video was not so easy for my. I am not good at writing, reading, and I already have trouble talking to people, so talking in front of a camera was even worse. I recorded a few times at school, but I messed up every single time, so I ended up filming at home. It was actually better, because I feel more comfortable speaking at home, and I have a good camera and a very nice microphone at home, which can produce a much more higher quality video than using the webcam of the MAC in school. I could even dress up a little for the video, which is a good compromise for my bad talking.

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