Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lab 1 The Begining of Our First HTML

      In this lab, we take our first step into the world of coding, using html. We have learned that html is a type of file or a standard hypertext markup language for browsers to read. This means we are finally making our own webpages now, I've been waiting for this so long; ever since the I became apart of this CTE program. But before we start, we had to memorize some of the tags used in html documents. Then we were shown how to actually use these tags in TextEdit for Mac. It's really important to change the preferences, otherwise everything won't work in the way you expected. Also, you need to change the default text document in a html document, so the browsers will be able to read it.
      Inside the html document, what we have to do is to use simple tags to set up a html document for a browser to read. Then we wrote about "Who we are?" and "Why are we here?" in 3 paragraphs using the <p> tag. Overall the lab was really easy. Even though the page doesn't look very interesting, but at least we've go something going. And this also gave us a simple knowledge and a introduction to coding with html.

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